
Women have worn ornaments on their ears since ancient times. Earrings made of gold and shells have been excavated from ruins around the world.
By decorating, ancient people to seek to protect the ear, which has a special function of hearing sounds even from inside the body.

Une touche d'art au creux de l'oreille.

Earrings Inspired by Great Artists

Atelier Rouge is a jewelry brand with each jewelry piece inspired by famous art pieces. By adding a unique interpretation to each piece, we aim to bring the profoundness of wearing a piece of art that transcends time and space.



“The concept of this brand is based on the Japanese beauty: “Wabi-sabi” and the French beauty: minimalism. The inspiration and collection of this brand comes from the different cultures, individuals, and craftworks.
Atelier Rouge places a great importance on bridging the two cultures. By putting a spotlight on the beauty of both cultures, we are able to not only better understand the different beauties, but also unravel the histories, traditions, cultures and find new perspective to it. We strive to become a jewelry brand that values harmony beyond country borders and cultures.”



the historical 1400-year-old
Gifu Prefecture’s “Minoyaki” craftsmen

The earring of Atelier Rouge is created by the historical 1400-year-old Gifu Prefecture’s “Minoyaki” craftsmen, who has Japan’s No.1 skill in creating pottery. The traditional techniques passed down for generations, the earring created by them have a shine that never dissipate with time and individuality from being handmade, bringing you a masterpiece that never gets tired of.

Gifu Prefecture Tajimi City, the birthplace of traditional “Minoyaki”

Each jewelry is created carefully piece by piece
by skilled craftsman with traditional techniques.